Installation Instructions

Before you begin, make sure you have NamelessMC v2 (latest version) installed. This can be found here:

  1. Download the Cobalt NamelessMC zip file from BuiltByBit

  2. Unzip the file locally on your PC

  3. Upload the CONTENTS of the "upload" folder into your main NamlessMC installation directory (where the folders core, custom, modules, uploads, cache are)

  4. On your NamelessMC website, navigate to StaffCP -> Layout -> Templates, click the "Install" button

    1. This will be found at the /panel/core/templates/ URL on your site. For example:

  5. Enable the "Cobalt" template by clicking the "Activate" button, and make it default by clicking the "Make Default" button

The template should now be installed!

Last updated