Installation Instructions

  1. Download and open the addon's .html file

  2. Head to the Appearance page in the Tebex dashboard:

  3. In the "template" section, click "edit"

  4. Click the "launch editor" button - in the editor section

  5. Open category.twig (it should be opened automatically)

  6. Copy and paste the code from the add-on file you downloaded into category.twig - do this in the large space at the top of the file between these two lines:

{% if (config("gc_page") == "Yes") and ( == config("gc_page_name")) %} {# start giftcard addon section #}
{% else %} {# end giftcard addon section #}
  1. Click "save and publish" at the top of the file. The addon's code is now added to your installation of Radiant

Next, check out the other pages in the "giftcard page addon" section of this wiki to learn how to setup the addon properly.

Last updated